Module 1 is basically about computing skill. "How to download song", "How to search for song", "How to create mail", etc. There were several download soft wares that were strongly recommended in Module 1.
(i)Internet Download Manager.(IDM)

(ii) Moyea Tube.

(iii)Download Accelerator Plus.(DAP)

(iv)4 shared.

(v)Lime Wire.

The most remarkable ones were 4 Shared and Moyea Tube that was introduced by Pn.Foziah. She told us that 4 shared was a good soft ware to download songs, video, and etc. Then, she asked us to drag the intended files into Moyea Tube. We can start downloading the files by activating the Moyea Tube.
From the experience of doing Module 1, I managed to learn a lot of new things. I found the Adobe Reader was quite useful when loading documents. It was a good viewer for document files. I also found another benefit when it comes to mailing. I managed to send and receive emails from my friends by using the three main email softwares, Yahoo, Google, and Hotmail.
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